Shayla Jolie & Filo performed EINE WELT song at School Competition awards ceremony |

Shayla Jolie & Filo delighted over 300 guests, including Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Federal Development Minister Svenja Schulze, with their musical interlude at the award ceremony for the School Competition on Development Policy.

They all came together in Berlin to award the 22 main and special prizes for the eleventh round of the School Competition. Innovative ideas, creative projects and solutions in five different categories showed how intensively pupils and entire schools are tackling global challenges. Winners from ten federal states and one German school abroad were delighted to receive main and special prizes.

The award ceremony of the eleventh round of the School Competition on Development Policy on June 18, 2024 in the historic Oderberger Stadtbad in Berlin was characterized by excitement and beaming faces. On this day, the delegations of the 22 winning projects and schools found out which place and prize they had achieved for their commitment to the One World.

Reimer-Bull-Schule Marne in Schleswig-Holstein won first place in category 1 (grades 1-4). In category 2 (grades 5-7), first place went to Kurt-Huber-Gymnasium in Gräfelfing in Bavaria. Category 3 (grades 8-10) was won by Ernst-Barlach-Gymnasium in Kiel in Schleswig-Holstein. Category 4 (grades 11-13) was won by the Berufliches Schulzentrum in Kelheim in Bavaria.

Particularly committed schools were honored in category 5:

  • Brillat-Savarin-Schule, OSZ Gastgewerbe in Berlin, Berlin
  • Comenius School (special focus on learning) in Magdeburg, Saxony-Anhalt
  • Köllerholzschule in Bochum, North Rhine-Westphalia
  • Max-Windmüller-Gymnasium in Emden, Lower Saxony
  • Carl-Benz-Realschule Oberkassel in Düsseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia

The Overberg-Kolleg in Münster, North Rhine-Westphalia, received the award to support a school exchange as part of the development policy school exchange program "ENSA".

And in the midst of these awards, the two Song Contest winners Shayla Jolie & Filo performed their EINE WELT song (ONE WORLD song) "Kinder der Welt", which is also the official anthem of the current round of the School Competition. With their wake-up call "Es ist fünf nach Zwölf, es muss endlich was passieren" ("It's five past twelve, something must finally happen"), they called for active commitment to the future of the planet and were well received by the audience.

TV presenter Ralph Caspers, who hosted the award ceremony, emphasized: "An event like this is encouraging. Seeing so many committed young people in one place is a special and important sign that education for sustainable development is becoming ever stronger and must continue to be promoted – through competitions like this one."

In addition to the more than 300 guests on site, numerous people followed the award ceremony online via livestream.

Find out more about the winners of the School Competition here

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