Musical stage program delighted guests at the eve programm of the School Competition |

On June 17, 2024, winners of the Song Contest performed their songs for One World at the GLS Campus in Berlin. The occasion for this was the evening before the award ceremony of the School Competition on Development Policy, for which the winning groups of the current competition round came together.

The pre-event program offered all guests the opportunity to get to know each other and exchange ideas during a varied supporting program. The event was not only a celebration of successes, but also a platform for dialog.

TV presenter Ralph Caspers hosted the evening with his charming and entertaining style. A special highlight of the evening were the performances by the winners of the current Song Contest round. Five talented young acts took to the stage to present their songs for One World: Liuz with "Zugpferde", Pia Kämper with "Sirenen", Leonie Kaup with "Wie für mich gemacht", the Veggie Devils with "Three Women" and Matilda Getto "Und es fließt Blut". They all wowed the audience with their impressive songs and the messages they contained.

"On the one hand, it is of course very important to deal with the problems of our society and the future, alone or together, as a crowd, as a common denominator. It's definitely a fact that problems have always been easier to solve together and that's why we all have to stick together to solve the common problems that affect us all," explains Song Contest winner Liuz.

The songs of all five acts are also available on the new EINE WELT album Vol. 5:

Listen, download or order here.

Another highlight was the surprise appearance by musician Fargo, former sponsor of the Song Contest, whose performance created an exuberant atmosphere and enriched the evening musically.

"It is always important to deal with global issues, even as an older person. But young people in particular, who still have ideas, who still have everything ahead of them, are of course the ones who are shaping this future. And if you can also make this possible through music, you can also reach a lot of people," says musician Fargo when asked why it is important for young people to get involved in the future of the planet.

The GLS Campus provided an inspiring backdrop for the event, which not only recognized the pupils' achievements, but also emphasized the importance of collaboration and community. The exchange and shared experiences of the participants will certainly be remembered for a long time to come and have paved the way for future collaborations and friendships.

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