EINE WELT album Vol. 5 (ONE WORLD album) – Order now!

The EINE WELT album Vol. 5 is here! The album of the fifth round of the Song Contest with all 23 winning songs can now be ordered or downloaded for free.

Get your free copy now - via our order!

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The new EINE WELT song (ONE WORLD song)!

With their song "Kinder der Welt", Shayla & Filo from Berlin have convinced at the grand finale of the Song Contest "Dein Song für EINE WELT!" (Your song for ONE WORLD) and thus secured the title of EINE WELT song (ONE WORLD song) as well as a professional music video shoot.

Click here for informations and pictures from the grand finale!

We are looking for the EINE WELT song (ONE WORLD song)!

Do you like looking beyond your own horizons and think that ONE WORLD concerns us all? Do you have fun with music or write your own songs? Are you between 10 and 25 years old? Then you are in the right place - at the Song Contest "Dein Song für EINE WELT!" (Your song for ONE WORLD!)

Every two years, the song contest invites young people in Germany and in countries of the Global South to musically explore development policy topics, such as human rights, climate change, sustainable consumption or flight and migration and to write and compose songs about them.

Is there a global issue particularly close to your heart? Do you also want to change the world with your music? If so, the Song Contest "Dein Song für EINE WELT!" (Your song for ONE WORLD) is just right for you!

The deadline for entries for the current round has passed. The new round starts at the beginning of 2025.

Learn more about us here!

ONE world - YOUR message

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ONE world - YOUR message

Every one of us can use his or her own voice and change the world! Share YOUR message for ONE WORLD on social media!

eineweltsong on Instagram

The deadline for entries for the current round has passed. The new round starts at the beginning of 2025.

Message from Minister Svenja Schulze

Music is a language that brings people together across borders – so says Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development Svenja Schulze. In her greeting, she calls on young people like you who are interested in music to put wishes, hopes and ideas for a just, sustainable and peaceful world into a song!

The Song Contest "Dein Song für EINE WELT!" (Your song for ONE WORLD) is organised by Engagement Global gGmbH – Service für Entwicklungsinitiativen on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.

Click here for her greeting